Monday, 17 September 2007

NUNEATON: Plea to stop park yobs

Plea to stop park yobs

FAMILIES living on a Nuneaton estate claim they are being plagued by nuisance youths at a play park meant for children.

Residents in Lilleburne Avenue, Galley Common, Nuneaton, say they want to stop older youths abusing the play area.

The play area in Lilleburne Drive, Galley Common features swings, a slide and activity equipment and is well used by tots and their mums during the day.

But after dark, residents say groups of up to 50 youths turn up, drinking, swearing and causing a nuisance.

Members of the Meadows and Shires Residents Association want use of the playground restricted to young children and the adults supervising them, and they want the park to be out of bounds after a certain time.

Mark Jones, a member of the association, has lived on the estate for the past four years.

He said: "We're not talking about a couple of kids sitting there with a can of lager quietly discussing the match.

"We find shards of glass bottles thrown across the play area, and 20 or 30 cans of lager.

"We've had kids of 15 or 16 urinating against the sides of walls.

"We've seen some really extreme behaviour among a minority of youths."

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