Sunday 26 August 2007

Deploy soldiers on our troubled streets

Deploy soldiers on our troubled streets

MANY people these days talk about the reintroduction of National Service as a method of solving the problem of antisocial behaviour among youths.

While I don't really relish the prospect of our armed forces having to change their uniform to include a baseball cap, there is perhaps some merit in the idea of using the military to improve the quality of life for many people living on lawless estates.

As the British Army is no longer patrolling the streets of Northern Ireland, why not deploy them on our own streets?

I'm sure that the sight of soldiers with rifles might well deter some bored little toe-rag who was thinking of spending another mindless evening vandalising some cars.

Putting the army out there to clean up the streets truly would be a national service.

Steve Bradley, Shannon House, Margaret Street, York.

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